Synopsis - It portrays how a man is torn between his wife who suffers some kind of malady and his love for another woman. In this drama, he faces many problems, like how his affair with the other woman got filmed by another colleague who was trying to damage his reputation. I also like his daughter who tries hard to patch things up for the couple, who has a rocky relationship. It's also kind of amusing, so it's pretty interesting to watch.
Genre - Romance
Karasawa Toshiaki as Kobayakawa Nobuki 小早川伸木
Fujiki Naohito as Nishi Kyosuke 仁志恭介
Katase Nana as Kobayakawa Taeko 小早川妙子
Ooizumi You as Numazu Shota 沼津壮太
Konno Mahiru as Sakuta Kana 作田カナ
Katsumura Masanobu as Naoe 直江
Ichige Yoshie as Soeda Sayori 添田さより
Tanihara Shosuke as Takebayashi Hayato 竹林隼人
Furuya Ikko as Mimura Koichi 美村浩一
Episodes (how many of them) 11
Broadcast period - 2006-01-12 (This J-dorama is airing in Japan at 10 pm every Thursday, and it ends in March.)
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